About Hemparadise

One Stop Hemp Jewelry Site

Hello and welcome to Hemparadise.com. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my site. My name is Sam and my goal is to provide useful and relevant information about hemp jewelry and how to make it.

Have you noticed that it is difficult to find a single site that provides everything you want to learn about making hemp jewelry? Well I noticed this as I was researching the web. There are many different sites that provide great tutorials and videos about making hemp jewelry but nobody seems to have a complete collection of tutorials showing step-by-step instructions for beginners. That is what inspired me to create Hemparadise.com. I plan to offer a complete, one stop source that anyone can use to learn how to make hemp necklaces and bracelets on their own.

Hemp Jewelry Experts!!! If you don’t think this site is for you then you are wrong! We plan to offer advanced tutorials and patterns to help experienced expand their knowledge. And if you don’t learn anything new from this site then feel free to stop by our Hemp Jewelry Store to find supplies such as hemp twine and beads.

Thanks for stopping by!
